• Tania Ruri and Drama the British Bulldog.

Tania & Drama

My Dog & Me with Tania Ruri

In association with our good friends at DogHQ each month we meet Shore people whose four-legged family members add a great deal of joy to their lives. Our very own dog-lover Aidan Bennett (he has two doggies of his own he spoils – Olive a Cocker Spaniel and Maisie a French Bulldog) loves the task of putting this monthly feature together. This month he talks with Tania Ruri about Drama, her much-loved British Bulldog.

AIDAN BENNETT: How long has Drama been part of your life?
Nearly five years.

AB: What made you decide to get a British Bulldog?
I Inherited Drama from one of my sons – Drama was imported over from Sydney when he was two years old.
AB: Is he your first dog?
Drama would be my first dog in about 10 years – before that a Samoyed, Basil; years ago a Dachshund, Tasha and many years ago a Pug.

AB: Do you have any other pets?

AB: What do you love about Drama?
Drama’s loyalty and he is such a little character, full of bounce and very cute. Drama is a playful little boy.

AB: Does he have any bad habits?
Only taking up too much room on the bed!

AB: What are his favourite things to do?
Drama loves playing tug-of-war; he loves walking on the beach, playing, cuddling and he does enjoy snoozing and snoring. Chomping food is on the A list for him as well and he’s quite happy to pose for photos.

AB: How long has he been going to DogHQ and does he love it?
Drama has been at Dog HQ for about three years – he loves Dog HQ, he loves playing and the company.  He is very lucky as he gets a huge amount of attention, bum scratches, cuddles and love from the Dog HQ team. He has been known to have a girlfriend there too!

AB: Does he love the beach and swimming?
Yes very much so, Drama loves the beach and likes to “trot” through the waves. He only has short legs so doesn’t like to go too far out – I'm not sure if his solid frame would float!

AB: Any words of wisdom for other dog owners or prospective dog owners?
Love and enjoy your pooch as much as you can. The little four-legged buddies are truly special to have in your life.