• Asher Guthrie, Layla Straight and Grace Guthrie.
  • Tallulah Bruce, Zanna Gillespie, Casper, Greg and Clara Bruce.
  • Angus, Oscar, Toby and Heidi Woodhead.
  • Hayley Dallimore, Gail Rotherham, Veronica Dowd.
  • Tim and Ken Bray, Marcia and Bryce Hatton.
  • Rupert Grobben, Yana Kirakovskaya.

Mrs Wishy Washy Wows at The PumpHouse

Laughter was plentiful at the gala opening night of Tim Bray Production's latest theatre show at The PumpHouse on 23rd September. Mrs Wishy Washy is a stage adaptation of the Joy Cowley classic story about a cleaning-obsessed husband and wife, and their perpetually muddy farm animals. Fabulous performances from every cast member, colourful costumes and set, and jokes that resonated with kids and adults in equal measure, made for a hard-to-beat hour of family entertainment. Guaranteed school holiday fun, this is hilarious, top quality local theatre for young families.