Leading the way, walking alongside Young People with Disabilities of Aotearoa’

I-Lead, Let’s Lead, Let Us Lead, #LetsSeeTheChange The first national conference for and designed by young people with disabilities.

Here at YES we are strong believers in fostering new ideas, forging new paths, holding space and leading the way.

YES organised for a group of young people with disabilities to meet with Minister Carmel Sepuloni in November 2018. The young people had tiny idea of holding a conference in Wellington. A leadership conference where they could meet with their peers from around the country, collaborate and share ideas on how to have their voices heard, learning how they could influence the decision and policymakers in Wellington. 

We held the first meeting of our Youth Engagement Group in January, the excitement for the conference had only escalated over the summer; they came booming with ideas, possible outcomes, partnerships and a name. The strongest message that came through was “we are ready to have our voices heard, just listen to us” this is reflected in the name and by-line “I lead” “Lets lead, let us lead”.

This powerful message came with an outcome “lets see the change” a call to action for after the conference. This would be the framework to ensure this was not just a “get together, talkfest”   this conference would have clear message to Minsters and Ministries on what contributing to society and being a citizen of New Zealand means for young people with disabilities.

Seven months later with a committee of young people from YES, Deaf Aotearoa, PHAB and Leva all working on the body of the conference, a dedicated team holding the space for young people.

The Ministers of Youth Development and The Minister for Disability will be opening the conference which they have agreed to host in the Grand Hall Parliament. This is the chance for sixty young people with disabilities from across New Zealand to learn invaluable skills, find their voice, create the first national youth engagement group and not just be the change but see the change too. 

From Albany to Parliament, from five young people to sixty and from one small meeting New Zealand’s first ever conference for young people with disabilities #LetsSeeTheChange

By: , YES Disability Resource Centre News: with Sonia Thursby (CEO)

Issue 99 June 2019