• Caci Aug 2017

Five reasons why laser hair removal could be your best beauty investment

Have you been thinking about laser hair removal but wonder if it’s worth the investment? Laser hair removal, or VPL (Variable Pulsed Light) like we use at Caci, is an effective solution for long lasting results and has multiple advantages over shaving and waxing. At Caci, we’ve been treating people for over 20 years and guarantee results. We understand it’s an investment, so needs to be considered carefully. Read below to find out why it could be the best investment you’ll make to your beauty routine.

It will save you time

Did you know that the average women spends 72 days in her lifetime shaving? We can think of better things we’d rather be doing with that time! Laser hair removal provides lasting results, so there’s no need for the constant awkward shower yoga or making regular waxing appointments.

Not to mention, you’ll save money!

In the long run, laser hair removal is more cost effective than shaving or waxing. Razors cost as much as $20 each and only last a few months before you need to buy a new one. Or if you’re a regular waxer, your monthly appointments could cost you around $70 (that’s $840 a year!).

Our laser hair removal programme allows you to pay for treatments in weekly, monthly or fortnightly instalments to suit your budget and lifestyle. Weekly payments are about $25 (that’s the same as your Friday night wines!), based on a laser hair removal programme for underarms.

You’ll avoid any hairy situations

Suddenly realised you’ve forgotten to shave under your arms while you’re about to lift some weights at the gym? Or want to wear that dress without stockings then realise your legs are a bit on the prickly side? With laser hair removal, you can go into all situations with confidence, knowing you’re hair free and there won’t be any hairy moments!

Eliminate and prevent ingrown hairs

If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, laser hair removal could be the right option for you. Shaving and waxing can be harsh on the skin, particularly sensitive skins. Here’s to smooth, hair free skin! 

Silky skin all year around

With laser hair removal, you can enjoy the benefits of smooth, hair free skin all year around. Not just in summer when we tend to spend time on hair removal! So you can whip out that cocktail dress any time of year without having to worry!

Plus, unlike waxing where you need to let the hair grow in between treatments, you can still shave in between laser hair removal treatments while waiting for results to kick in, which will usually take effect after two or three treatments although this does vary.

Special Offer: Until 30 September 2017, Caci are offering you the opportunity to treat two areas for the price of one with their laser hair removal programme.

If you would like to find out more about laser hair removal, call Caci on 0800 458 458 and book a complimentary consultation to see if it’s right for you.


Caci Clinic, 79 Kitchener Road, Milford and 25 Apollo Drive, Albany. Visit www.caci.co.nz or call Caci on 0800458 458 and book a complimentary consultation.

Issue 79 August 2017